The Sun

Stars are generally too hot for chemistry to work, but there are other ways that order could arise and use energy. Stars are half the mass of galaxies and most of the radiation for seeing and energy

Stars have very different impacts in the centre of a galaxy compared to the outer edges, there is always light in the centre of a galaxy, whether or not you are in a solar system. The stars are points of light only, but give as much light as the moon each and there can be hundreds of them

Stars have lots of matter at high density in large flows of energy. There is no sharp change in density at the ‘edge’ of the sun. The density slowly increases further into the photosphere. Above the photosphere is a whispy region that is still very hot- 4000˚. It gets hotter the further in you go.

The atoms are hydrogen and helium in 10:1 ratio, but 2% of its mass is heavier elements. The sun is pretty stable because the gravity is counteracted by the gas pressure pushing outwards.

First layer is the skin of the apple. The temperature is 30,000˚C and atoms have lost some electrons. Density is the same as the surface of earth, but the pressure is much greater because of the temperature- about the same as the bottom of the earth ocean.

Second layer is halfway down. It’s several million degrees hot and density is similar to water. The electrons are completely free to make plasma. –F&S think this could be a biosphere for life.

Third layer is the centre of the sun. The temperature is ten million degrees and the plasma is ten times denser than any solid. This is where the energy is produced that eventually leaves the surface as radiation. The energy comes from nuclear fusion, where hydrogen nuclei combine to make a helium nuclei and this process puts out energy.


Plasmobes are hypothetical organisms in the plasma composed of patterns of the magnetic force and groups of moving charge from the split up atoms. A pattern occurs by chance and then replicates- how complex does the pattern need to be in order to replicate?

The relationship between charges and magnetic force patterns are relatable to nucleic acid and proteins in Homobiota in that they interact to create more of both, and they are both mutable. The magnetic forces produced by the charge patterns stabilised the charge patterns- so both could exist. Experiments on earth show that this can occur. Some patterns and their corresponding magnetic forces became dominant.

The most likely energy source is the flow of radiation from within the sun. The difference in intensities of radiation is the usable gradient.

Something about the average energy of packet of solar energy being about the same as a charge, this would make the energy convenient to use? I do not really understand.

Need to avoid being swept to less habitable regions of the sun- can have the same average density of the target region and use buoyancy to get there. OR can balance the gravity pulling the life down with flows of matter that move outwards like updrafts. OR magnetic forces within the sun can suspend an object, especially if it is a charged object. OR the life does not mind being moved around and has its own energy flow from moving- much like the magmobes discussed earlier.

Evolution in plasmobes might be measured by growing complexity- magnetic forces arranged to repel or eat other plasmobes. It could range in size from a few thousand ions, where the forces are very strong at small levels, to really, really big to better defend one’s self. Life processes could happen much faster because of the high energy and proximity of everything. There is more energy which leads to faster processes and metabolism- this can make very rapid evolution or very large organisms or both.